A Study To Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Flipped Classroom Teaching Method On Knowledge Regarding Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Among Undergraduate Nursing Students In Selected Colleges At Sasaram, Bihar


  • Khundrakpam Sarita Devi Author
  • Rohit Kumar Singh Author
  • Siddharth Kumar Author
  • Sanjeev Kumar Author
  • Abya Mehta Author
  • Simpi Kumari Author


Flipped Teaching, Case Scenario, VAP, traditional teaching method.


Introduction- A Flipped classroom teaching method is a student centred-approach where the students actively participate in classroom. Here, the instructor plays the role of a facilitator, motivator, a guide, and offers instant feedback on students’ performance. In flipped classroom, the students don’t have to listen long boring lectures in the classroom, but will get much more time and opportunity to find a solution to problem independently or collaborative Lee through correspondence learning with peers. In addition to the increase in complexity of the healthcare environment, and the rapid advancement of competing healthcare technology, a global pandemic emerged caused by COVID-19.

Methodology- The current study is true experimental research design and the sample size 60 study participants (30 experimental group and 30 control group) were selected through the simple randomized (lottery method) sampling technique to select the undergraduate B.Sc. 1st semester Nursing students. Data collected by the face-to-face interview method, by using self-structured questionnaire to collect the sample. Data analysed by the using of descriptive inferential statistic and paired ‘t’ test, and, chi-square test to find the association between the pre-test and post-test and selected demographic profiles regarding the VAP.

Results- This study displays that during experimental group out of 30 study participants majority 19 (63.3%) had average knowledge, 8(26.7%) were of poor knowledge and, 3(10%) were of good knowledge during the pre-test knowledge. After that the Flipped classroom teaching and Case scenario the experimental group post-test knowledge, 25(83%) were had excellent knowledge and, 5 (16.7%) had good knowledge regarding the ventilator associated pneumonia among undergraduate nursing students in respectively. Control group out of 30 participants, 19 (63.3%) had poor knowledge, and 11 (36.7%) had average knowledge score during pre-test knowledge and after that the administration of traditional teaching method the post-test score, half of study participant, 17(56.7%) had average knowledge, 8(26.7%) had good knowledge, 4(13.3%) had poor knowledge and least 1 (3.3%) had adequate knowledge aboutVAP on undergraduate nursing students. The score of mean in experimental group during mean post-test knowledge (17.43+1.94) was greater than the mean pre-test knowledge score (8.3+2.55) in control group the mean post-test knowledge score (10+3.15) was greater than the mean pre-test knowledge score (6.13+1.97).

Discussion and conclusion- The study revealed that the flipped teaching method and case scenario had improve the students’ knowledge regarding the VAP rather than the traditional teaching method. Therefore, the mean score in experimental group during mean post-test knowledge (17.43+1.94) was higher than the mean pre-test knowledge score (8.3+2.55). in control group the mean post-test knowledge score (10+3.15) was greater than the mean pre-test knowledge score (6.13+1.97).


